
Three III 3

The number 3 is cool, I like that it’s the first odd prime number, Earth is the third planet in our solar system, according to Pythagorus (uber cool chap) the number 3, also called triad, is the noblest of all digits. This is because it is the only number to equal the sum of all the digits below it. The Roman numeral III stands for Giant Star. When I was 7, a friend’s older brother told me to count in 3’s & since then, I always do.

Recently, I saw a daft quiz thing so thought I’d make up my own “At the minute Quiz”. Rules are: only 3 word answers & they can only apply to today. You can play the game too.

At the minute….3 ideal places to visit: Marlow, France, London

At the minute…. 3 words to describe yourself: cheerful, calm, chilled

At the minute….3 ideal guests at a dinner party: Nick, Wendy, Al

At the minute….3 words to describe today’s phrase: Just do it

At the minute….3 ideal foods: Couscous, almonds, yoghurt

At the minute….3 favourite sports to watch: cricket, tennis, tennis

Now just don’t get me started on the number 9.



Keep it coming

Come on Team GB!

As part of my diverse world, at the minute, I attempt to offer support to a sufferer of bi-polar, the person also suffers from further mental ill health and personality disorder. In the dim & distant past, I have helped many people with physical & mental problems. In my mind, I can only think how would it be ‘if that was me?’

Mental ill health can often be invisible to us, but it is everywhere.

Talking about TV programmes and documentaries, the Channel 4 series, The Big Hoarder, has been a helpful eye opener to the diverse extent of mental illness.

Only by watching an occasional episode, I have observed some clear similarities in the people featured, bless them and those who are willing to offer them support. Utter determination and strength are needed.

Intelligence, is my first thought, articulate in language, tunnel visioned in their quest, a similarity regarding a need for news, storing of news be it in the memory or in paper, but packaging? Or is it something about containing? Pairing of items as well as matching stuff. Personality: self centred or is that a consequence of isolation or abandonment? Relapse in only achieving baby steps, surprise.

This is fascinating, and a great help to me. There is always hope, thank you Channel 4.  (Still no time for images)

As I was on my way to do something for someone else for the 50th time today, I haven’t even got time to add an image, from Pelekas I saw that there were fireworks in Corfu town. Nice of them to celebrate the opening of the London Olympics 2012. (?) (!) Go on Team GB.

On another but related subject kinda, there is no doubt that in Britain we have the best TV coverage and programme making in the whole wide world.

Be it drama, sport, documentary, news, ok some humour could be described as a tad dodgy, soaps…hmmm, but in general, it’s all pretty amazing.

If there was a national institution to be beyond proud of, it is British TV and above all the beloved BBC.

I say, anyone for Pimms, …tennis, …a cucumber sandwich, …a cup of Earl Grey?

At the minute I’m in the process of opening a small but beautiful Pelekas Gallery.

But just in these last few days the sound of Mark Knopfler will not escape my small brain…who’s gonna be in the Gallery?
2 artists couldn’t be further apart, no pun intended, not only in gender, but geographically, professionally, vastly varying in discipline and method. Colour unites us as does our friendship and Pelekas village.
Some people have gotta paint and draw. So he’s gonna be in the Gallery.
That’s Warren Curry  & yours truly.
“A person needs a little madness,or else they never dare cut the rope and be free.” Nikos Kazantzakis 1885-1957
Ol’ Nikos sounds like a good bloke, …most Nicks are.

Can you believe it?!

It’s crazy.

Just checked the Farenheit equivalent of the current and ‘real feel’ Celsius temperatures today.

Seriously hot.

We are talking 116 degrees F real feel and tomorrow anticipated, an astonishing 102 F actual temperature…and that is in the shade.


Phew! Scorchio. Time for a dip,

Best dip ever: from a great height in our Laskarina days on Lipsi!



For those dear readers and followers of my occasional missives you will know of the strange situations and sometimes confusion regarding my first name. ‘Why, Where, Who’ helps to explain a little, as does searching for ‘Carol’, …check it out, top right.

What I find difficult to fathom is how both in India and here in Pelekas, people refer to me by obscure names. OK, in general, fortunately, they do begin with the letter ‘S’ apart from the ‘C’ word, no pun intended. For those who know my world well, you will understand my disbelief that out of the Greek blue, our new landlord, despite numerous times informing and correcting him, he insists on calling me ‘Sheila’.

In India, I had to repeatedly answer to ‘Shirley’, strangely enough also to our landlord there. You can tell I’m getting used to this.

It was only at the end of our migration to Goa that I was told the reason why Shirley was the chosen title. It was tactfully explained by our dear friend Amin that saying the word ‘Sally’ and addressing it to me would have been totally out of order. The equivalent word in Indian would be like shouting across the street at me saying ‘Hey you, Bitch!”. Funny uh? Now can anyone explain the Sheila phenomenon? That’s a BIG ask.

OK folks it’s now official, the silly season has started. It’s speeding into July and so, we can finally accept the summer temperatures at the minute in Corfu. I was born for this weather. Let us not forget that the longest day has passed and we only have 2 months of summer left so let’s get down to the beach or the pool and enjoy!

Strangely, the island seemed somewhat subdued during my travels today, however it is a big changeover day with the UK flights, so maybe that explains it. Or is everyone exhausted by the extended football games, the exhausting drawn out tennis matches at Wimbledon (Go on Andy!), the anticipation of London 2012 and the general sporting hiatus?

During this next two months of madness we are delighted to welcome to Corfu (and to Pelekas) some of our Laskarina pals from 9 years ago and providing services for trusted and valued customers both long established and new. It’s a silly time but it’s also great. Keep smiling through!

Ministers and officials are drawing up contingency plans for Greece including a cap on cashpoint withdrawals and limits on foreign travel should there be a Greek fallout.

Travel mole news has stated the above…does this mean we will be in a police state…limiting foreign travel!? Can we be protected from the evil eye? Beware, the writing is on the wall.

Everywhere you turn there’s a crazy amount of international sport going on, really you don’t know what to watch. It’s a dilemma, there just aren’t enough hours in the day.

Between Euro 2012, the French Open men’s final later today, the rugby, the cricket, London 2012 only forty odd days away, horse race meetings all over UK, in amongst all this we are also currently supporting an effervescent young woman, Olivia Michaud. She is about to cycle across India for the charity Childreach International. Fantastic. Supporting and providing access to education and healthcare to children by empowering local communities is an ethic we endorse, particularly in our beloved India.

We have been joining in this energy drive by playing a spot of tennis, naturally, it appears to be a bit of a light hearted game but underneath we are as competitive and united as Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf our doppelgangers, kinda. In their time, they were both number 1 in tennis, and like us are married to each other, no sporting pressure on their 2 young daughters then.

It’s a truly cosmopolitan time recently. We met a chap from Sweden, Lars is a returnee to Pelekas from the ol’ hippie days of the village, now matured and somewhat more well heeled with a remarkable command of English, he could use the verb fraternise with aplomb. He is also on the exercise drive….a desire to walk some of the Corfu trail which runs through the village, but his feeble excuse was that he didn’t have the right shoes, come on Lars, you can do it!